Investment boutique
The world is changing rapidly. Wars, epidemics, sanctions… The financial system is in a fever. Markets and banks, which were considered a "safe haven" yesterday, are now being shaken by scandals and bankruptcies. Saving money in such conditions becomes a difficult task. The scheme with conversion to hard currency and placement in a "reliable" bank no longer works. On the other hand, the technology is inexorably improving, and access to capital markets is becoming easier and cheaper. People can trade global markets just via their mobile phones.

Expertise becomes a key aspect in this world. It is knowledge and experience that become the most valuable asset. A professional, experienced consultant and a minimum of intermediaries between savings and the global capital market are the foundation of successful investments.
Our team unites a group
of experienced professionals.
  • 25 years
    Average work experience in financial markets for key employees
We are guided by the following principles

    We are convinced that decency is the first and most important trait of a financier. Without it, all other qualities lose their meaning. Working with PIFAGOR, you can be sure that at every moment you know exactly all your expenses, that all decisions are made in your interest, that there is no "small text" in any contracts that you didn't read. Honesty is the most valuable asset.


    Adults and experienced people work here. No "new stars", "crypto geniuses" or "talented traders". Only knowledge and experience. We have lived through the crises of 1998, 2008, 2014, 2022, the pandemic and the "olive crisis", sanctions and negative oil prices.

    We've seen almost everything. We survived and became stronger.


    We know this business thoroughly, so we can explain the most complex terms in a simple and understandable language. You will always understand where and how your money works. We are convinced that multi–storey formulas and complex terms are the main tools of crooks.

    Finance is much simpler than financiers say about them

We support you 24 hours a day
7 days a week

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